The Humane Hoax
Most people are aware that animal products like meat, dairy and eggs are bad for our health, contribute to environmental degradation, and cause animals to suffer unimaginable cruelty in animal farming.
The horrible conditions animals endure in food production has inspired a shift in the way farmed animals are being labeled and presented to the consumer. Producers of animal meat, dairy, and eggs are describing products with a range of pacifying labels like “Free Range,” “Organic,” “Local,” “Humane,” and other classifications to entice customers to buy their products.
This is an encouraging sign that we are acknowledging that animals do suffer in food production. However, the unfortunate reality is that animals endure many of the same cruel practices with “humane" labels as animals in standard production, and a brutal slaughter is still the end result.
Between conventional and alternative operations, the similarities far outweigh the differences. There are inherent cruelties in any animal agribusiness that cannot be avoided and are universal and essential to making a profit. Animal agriculture cannot circumvent these heartless practices and the consumer is unaware and concerns are alleviated by reassuring labels. These labels are meaningless and intentionally deceptive.
Painful Body Manipulations - Debeaking, dehorning, castration, branding, and the cutting of tails and toes without pain-killers are all still prevalent in so-called “humane” operations.
Separation of Families - In animal agriculture, calves, chicks and piglets are separated from their mothers immediately or very soon after birth. Every baby is frightened and confused and longs for the comfort and love of a mother. Likewise, animal mothers want to nurture and take care of their babies. Being denied this often causes physiological suffering to both mother and baby. Separation of mothers and offspring is a common practice in all animal agribusiness operations, no matter the label.
Slaughter At a Young Age - Animals slaughtered for their meat, no matter the label, will likely only live a few months or one year of life, although they could live much longer. Imagine only experiencing one beautiful summer, when you could have many more. Animals bred for their milk and eggs will also be slaughtered. There is no retirement plan for dairy cows or egg-laying chickens. Again, no matter how humane an operation even wants to be, it’s not economically feasible to keep around dozens or hundreds of animals that are not producing at high levels like the younger animals. They will go to slaughter after living only a fraction of their natural lifespan.
Humane Slaughter Does Not Exist - Killing healthy sentient beings who don’t want to die can never be humane or compassionate. Stunning and throat slashing is a painful, traumatic experience for a frightened animal. Their necks, just like ours, are full of nerve endings and pain receptors, and many veterinarians agree it is not a quick or painless way to die.
Unfortunately, animal products that are labeled “local,” “sustainable," or “free-range,” are most likely no better for the environment either. These labels are unregulated and producing animal products is more resource intensive, uses more water, and creates more greenhouse gasses than farming plants, no matter the label.
There is no need to breed and kill animals for food. No matter the label, no matter the scale, slaughter is brutal, cruel, and unnecessary. More and more people are living healthier and longer on a diet free of animal products.
To learn more, check out our Humane Hoax Project.