A peaceful world begins on your plate.

Our Mission

Compassionate Living is a 501c3 non-profit organization working to end farmed animal suffering and encourage vegan living. Through educational activities, community building, compassionate and inclusive outreach, always framing veganism as a justice issue, while educating on the sentience and of animals, we hope to be part of achieving a just, compassionate, non-violent, vegan world.

A mother cow and her calf enjoying freedom

The Humane Hoax Project Videos

Compassionate Living has hosted numerous conferences and webinars through our Humane Hoax Project. There are now hours of fantastic presentations to watch from our Humane Hoax Online Conference and our Humane Hoax Chicken Webinar. Dive into the myriad aspects of humanewashing and greenwashing, watch the videos, and share on your networks.

The Humane Hoax: Essays Exposing the Myth of Happy Meat, Humane Dairy, and Ethical Eggs, edited by Hope Bohanec

Part of Compassionate Living's Humane Hoax Project, this volume contains 18 contributing authors who explore the timely topics of humanewashing, greenwashing, language and labels, and how so-called alternative animal agriculture intersects with feminism, affects the environment, is represented in the media, and impacts human and non-human communities alike. This anthology has new essays from noted animal and environmental advocates including Carol Adams, Karen Davis, Alastor Van Kleeck, Sailesh Rao, John Sanbonmatsu, and Christopher “Soul” Eubanks. All proceeds of the sale of the book go to Compassionate Living.

a hen and her babies united

Reason for Vegan

How many reasons do we need to be vegan? Access our educational content to understand why living vegan is so urgent today. Learn about how animals are raised for food, the impacts of animal agriculture on the environment, how to avoid falling for “humane" labeling, and understand why we don't need animal protein to thrive.

Support Our Work

Your support will help us carry out our educational projects aimed at creating a world where no animal has to suffer at human hands. Thank you for being a part of Compassionate Living and helping us achieve animal liberation.

three little pigs happy and free
Sheep in a field